10 in stock
Our packages are from Php 5,500 and are inclusive of 3 sensory play stations, which can be themed to your little one’s party (or general interest) theme! you may pick any 3 from the list below:
Floor/Standing Bin:
Wet or Dry Sensory Material:
Waterbeads, Jelly, Goop, Cornmeal, Cloud Dough (Cocoa Cloud Dough), Dry Beans, Play Dough
Popular Station Themes:
Unicorns, Under the Sea, Dino Dig, Fun Farm, Space and Construction Play!
Packages are easily customised. Quotations for delivery fees will be set after party details are confirmed. A refundable bond of Php 2,000.00 will also be collected upon confirmation of order. All toys/bins shall be returned to MBP in good condition, all sensory bases are yours to keep!
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